The Ten Top Reasons Not to See an Elder Law Attorney
1. You have more money than anyone in the world.
2. You do not really like your children.
3. Because you will never die you do not need a will.
4. Because there is absolutely no chance of you ever becoming incapacitated you do not need a Power of Attorney.
5. You believe that being prepared for life’s adversities takes the adventure out of life.
6. You believe that it is better to get legal advice from friends than from an attorney, and it costs less too.
7. Your motto is, “Why do something today, if you can put it off until tomorrow?”
8. Your parents, who ended up destitute in a nursing home, did not see an elder law attorney, so why should you?
9. You believe it is morally wrong to accept governmental assistance from programs for which you legally qualify, and to prove your point, you refuse to take any deductions or exemptions on your income tax.
10. Because seeing an elder law attorney might prevent you from creating financial chaos for your family.
John Reese
Elder Care Cooridnator